If human decency alone isn’t enough reason for mainland American citizens to be concerned by the glacially slow pace of Puerto Rican recovery ‘led’ by FEMA, Insightus has just published 101 additional reasons to care: a list of all the prescription drugs (plus a few important over-the-counter ones) that our research has documented were manufactured on the island preceding Hurricane Maria.
Due to the continuing calamity that is Puerto Rico’s infrastructure nightmare, the pharmaceutical factories that manufacture those drugs are limping at best today, or at worst are completely non-functional. And that spells impending shortages of many important prescription drugs — shortages that will impact all Americans, not just Puerto Ricans.
While the FDA has warned of this impending problem, it has so far steadfastly refused to release the names of the drugs in question. And that makes it difficult for mainlanders to relate. So, using advanced web-mining techniques we hunted down documentary evidence from all over the internet to assemble such a list ourselves.
And that list should be an eye-opener for all of us. Included in it are 9 of America’s Top 20 best-selling drugs (which means that shortages will impact tens of millions of mainlanders at a minimum). Also included are such important classes of drugs as pain medications (12 drugs), diabetes drugs (11), drugs to treat cancer and chemotherapy-related complications (10), anti-depressants (4), popular brands of birth control pills (4), antiviral drugs for HIV and hepatitis C infections (3), and much more.
View the whole list, and search it for the drugs you rely upon, here: